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Veggie Superfoods - The Real Thing

Packed full of “green stuff” from the earth, sea and fresh water, this powdered superfood supplement gives you a quick and convenient daily health boost. The Real Thing Veggie Superfoods is an almighty formula with 30% grasses and a whopping 70% veggies! Veggie Superfoods delivered in a powder. That’s superpower superfood that is super convenient to help you get what you need to stay healthy. Made with real organic and wild-harvested ingredients, this is a wonderfully pure dietary supplement, expertly formulated to give you head-to-toe health and all-day energy. A super-charged green superfood!


Here’s the inside scoop on what makes each spoonful of this Veggie Superfoods formula so special:

  • Cereal Grasses:  They provide a multinutritional boost. And they're more than qualified. Organically grown in rich volcanic soil – and because they're farm-grown, not tray-grown, they can lay down deep roots and absorb more nutrients. Alfalfa grass in particular. Organic wheat, barley and alfalfa grasses, all grown in nutrient-rich volcanic soil and packed with nutrients.
  • Parsley: It contains so many ingredients that have so many healthful effects on our system. A powerful antioxidant herb with detoxing powers; full of carotene, vitamin K, vitamin C plus vitamins B1 and B2.
  • Spinach: This leafy green is such a rich source of antioxidants, iron, folic acid and vitamins A, C, E and Kiron, folic acid, magnesium and nitrates. It is thought to play a role in regulating blood sugar levels and early research suggests that compounds in spinach may slow ageing of the nervous system!
  • Organic & wild-harvested sea vegetables: This superfood powder contains a blend of no less than 7 organic or wild-harvested sea vegetables, which have 10 to 20 times more nutrients than land vegetables. Particularly when it comes to iodine, a vital mineral for the healthy functioning of glands like the pituitary, adrenals and thyroid. Contains: Organic Kelp (Laminaria Digitata), Organic Rockweed, Organic Dulse, Organic Bladderwrack, Organic Sea Lettuce, Organic Laver, Wild-Harvested Nori.
  • Chlorella & spirulina: Two wonderfully beneficial fresh water vegetables. Chlorella is a nutritious little microalga. It's made of 60% easily assimilated protein and other lovely stuff like nucleic acids, essential fatty acids and the antioxidant beta-carotene. Plus it's nature's richest source of the antioxidant chlorophyll.Spirulina, is a microscopic, filamentous blue - green microalga that has a long history of use as food, extending as far back as 400 years ago. The food interest in Spirulina is focused mainly on its rich content of 1) protein; 60-70% protein by weight, 2) vitamins; especially vitamin B12 and beta-carotene, 3) essential minerals; especially iron and 4) essential fatty acids; it is one of the few sources of dietary gamma linoleic acid. 
  • Broccoli, daikon radish & kale: From the cruciferous (cell protecting)family. These veggies are just full of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Packed with free radical scavenging anti-oxidants, cruciferous vegetable sprout is naturally high in phytonutrients, vitamin C, folate, B1,B2, B3, B5, B6, vitamin K, copper, magnesium, potassium, iron , manganese, potassium, calcium, selenium, sodium, zinc and sulfur. Daikon a natural digestive rich in vitamins A, C and E, but it is also a 'lovely' natural remedy for a hangover. Kale is very high in beta-carotene and vitamin K and C and rich in calcium and two other very important carotenoids, lutein and zeaxanthin which are vital for eye health.
  • Sprouts: The formula includes 5 organic sprouts, namely amaranth, fenugreek, sunflower, adzuki and quinoa. These sprouts have up to 100 times more enzymes than raw fruits or veggies – wow!  When Amaranth seeds sprout, they pop like popcorn. Popping out an abundance of nutrients like lysine, an essential amino acid. It's content of plant stanols and squalene may be of benefit for those with hypertension, cardiovascular disease and to help lower cholesterol. Traditionally, Fenugreeks are being used to assist with digestive problems. Sunflowers have 30 times the nutrient value and life force of any other sprout! Adzuki sprouts, voted the "most red" sprout, provide a valuable source of minerals; iron, magnesium, potassium, zinc and folic acid. Quinoa is a "super-grain", due to a protein content that's higher than rice, potatoes, barley and millet. It's a great source of fibre, phosphorus, magnesium and iron. 
  • From ancient times Mushrooms have been used or their effects on the human body.  The Veggie Superfoods Powder is filled with a 13-pack of mushroom species, handpicked for their immune-enhancing properties. The unique blend of mushrooms consists of Cordyceps Sinenesis, Maitake, Agaricus Blazei, Coriolus Versicolor, Reishi, Chaga, Cordyceps Militaris, Lions manine, Wood Ear, Pleurotus Eryngii, Oyester and Mesima. 

Note: Supplements should be used to complement a healthy, balanced and varied diet.


  • Veggie Superfoods Powder: Unless directed by your healthcare practitioner, take 1 heaped tablespoon (10g) once or twice daily, mixed with water or fruit juice.


  • Not suitable for use during pregnancy or breastfeeding.
  • Contains iodine and concentrated parsley; do not use if you are allergic or hypersensitive to any of the ingredients.
  • Not suitable for those with severe liver or kidney disease.
  • Do not use if you have a thyroid problem, except under the supervision of a medical practitioner.
  • Do not exceed the recommended dose unless directed by your healthcare practitioner.
  • May contain tree nuts and peanuts. 
  • Note: Speak to your healthcare provider before taking any supplement, especially if you have a medical condition or experience side-effects.

Veggie Superfoods - The Real Thing


    *Please note that online and in-store prices may vary from each other. 

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